Caledon Daycare Waitlist
Our Process
There is no fee to put a child on the wait list. For all prospective clients who wish to have their child put on the wait list, the following information must be submitted for our records to keep an accurate account of the list and who is in queue for a space.
Please fill out the form below if you're interested.
Join Our Waitlist
Wait List Process
When a potential client calls, or visits the centre, the following wait list process is followed:
1. Each age group has an individual wait list: toddlers, preschoolers and before and after school
2. Each child is placed on the wait list according to the date the form was completed
3. There are no guarantees at the time of registration that a spot will be available to the client on the date they require care to begin. Priority will be given to siblings of children currently enrolled in teh program.
4. The supervisor cannot promise or guarantee to hold s space for any prospective family needing care at a particular care
5. Once required information is obtained, the supervisor will assign a number to coincide with the application on the wait list. The number will then be registered on a master list to protect anonymity of the potential client. The client will be able to know where their place is on the waiting list and will be made available in a manner that maintains the privacy and confidentiality of the children listed on it, but that allows the position of a child on the list to be ascertained by the client
6. New spaces are created when a family or child leaves the centre. Historically, the months of July, August, and September have the most movement; however, spaces can be available at any time of the year
7. Current clients are required to provide two-weeks’ notice in writing to withdraw. When possible, potential clients are contacted 2-4 weeks prior to their requested start date to confirm a space. Only once the withdrawal is confirmed in writing, a space becomes available
8. As spaces open, the supervisor will attempt to contact families by phone and will leave an email. If they do nit connect, the supervisor will follow up with one more phone call. If there is no response after two attempts, the next person on the list will be contacted. All parents who are waiting for a particular month are contacted when spaces are available. Even if the month requested has already passed and the child is still within the age group of the room, a space will be offered.
9. From the families that return our call within the specified time, the family with the highest seniority date will have first official refusal of the available space
10. Once a child is officially offered a space, and the family accepts it, families will be required to pay a $60.00 registration fee. This registration fee is non-refundable
11. For all families that express continued interest in a space and are not successful will be contacted to let them know that another family has filled the space
12. If a family is called for a space and do not wish to take it at the time, their place/seniority on the wait list will be placed at the end of the list
13. Parents/guardians may call at any time to change the information on file with no consequence
14. All families will remain on the center wait list until hey have asked us to take them off or decline the space offered
15. Families who wish to have part time space will be matched with other families who also request part time care
16. Full-time children will be given priority over part time spaces. Every effort will be made to match families to achieve full enrollment at CECP. As a non-profit childcare centre, our enrolment is our main priority and maximization of space will be attained.