About Our Curriculum
The Caledon East Children’s Place follows the “Ontario Pedagogy for the Early Years, How Does Learning Happen?” and “The Ontario Early Years Framework” and aligns it with elements of a Reggio Emilia approach to learning. The goals set for children are consistent with the Four Foundations, Ministry of Education pedagogy and principles.
These include:
- BELONGING: Cultivating authentic relationships and connections
- WELL BEING: Nurturing healthy development and well being
- ENGAGEMENT: Creating contexts for learning through exploration, play and inquiry
- EXPRESSION: Fostering communication and expression in all forms
For more information about our curriculum see our Parent Handbook ‘Program Statement’ or book a tour!
Teacher-Child Interactions and Experiences
Providing for child initiated and adult supported experiences
Support positive and responsive interactions among the children, parents, educators and staff
A major component to the program at CECP is teacher-child interactions and the importance of the teacher as a co-learner alongside the children. Teachers and children are play partners which allows for a supportive environment. Teachers also take on the role as researchers as they observe each child in their group and provide opportunities for children to express their initiatives and make choices. During play situations, teachers follow children’s leads. They also look for opportunities to gradually challenge the children by introducing new ideas or concepts, while remaining within the interests of the children.
Active Learning
The day is filled with play based active learning, and emergent ideas stemming from the children’s interests. HighScope is a curriculum that is based on 50 years of extensive research. The research has shown that children learn best when they are actively involved with people and things. Children in HighScope programs do better in school and in life.
The Classroom Environment
The Learning Environment in a CECP classroom is carefully planned to allow your child to make choices and to use interesting, stimulating, authentic and natural materials. Defined interest areas provide a variety of learning experiences. The classroom is labeled: this helps your child connect the printed word to real materials.
The Daily Routine
Central to the HighScope curriculum is the Plan/Do/Review process. Through this process your child will make plans, carry them out and reflect on his/her actions. Plan/Do/Review helps children become better thinkers and decision makers. The Daily Routine in a HighScope classroom includes time for child initiated and adult guided activities. The routine is consistent so that children can feel secure.
Child Observation and Assessment
HighScope has a strong focus on developing and supporting early reading, writing, science and math. Group times are planned by the teacher to focus on these content areas. The HighScope Preschool Curriculum goals are called Key Developmental Indicators (KDIs). These KDIs cover all the important ways children learn. We use an observation tool, called COR Advantage (Child Observation Record) to assess development and plan for children. We use the PQA (Program Assessment Tool) to ensure our curriculum is carried out to fidelity.
For more information on HighScope please visit: