Toddler - 18 to 30 months of age

18 – 30 months of age
Caledon East Children’s Place classroom staff are all Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECE) with a strong educational foundation in child development. The toddler programs start with a deep respect for the unique experience of toddlers and their daily life. Supports diversity to include cultural practices, gender, religious beliefs, social class, family composition, appearance, diverse abilities and lifestyle. Children have the right to be cared for in an environment located in their own community where they will grow, develop and learn. Practices emphasize and promote active learning which means children have direct, hands-on experiences with people, objects, events, and ideas.
About Our Classroom
The classroom is safe, inviting, flexible, and child oriented to provide comfort and to accommodate children’s changing developmental needs and interests. There is a wide variety of materials that toddlers can reach, explore, and play with in their own way at their own pace. The materials appeal to children’s senses and have varied properties including wood, metal, and textured materials; found materials; and natural materials. The classroom is organized into play and care areas that serve the needs of toddlers. Educators also use these care giving routines as opportunities to share control by finding ways for the children to play an active role.

Childcare You Can Trust
Teacher to child ratio: 1 to 5 children
Reduced ratios apply for arrival (7:00am to 8:30 am), nap time and departure (5:00pm-6:00pm) as per the Ministry of Education – Child Care and Early Years Act.