Preschool - 30 months - 5 years of age

30 months - 5 years of age
Children in the preschool room enjoy a full day of activities, including morning and afternoon outdoor play, snacks/lunch and a time for rest. Although all teachers are responsible for a classroom of children, each child will have a primary teacher they will be with for most of their day. Teachers set the learning environment to meet the needs and interests of the children in their group. Teachers plan small group activities where children learn a variety of concepts while interacting with materials. Concept areas include language, literacy and communication, mathematics, science and technology, creative arts and social studies.
About Our Routine
The children meet together as a whole twice daily to develop a sense of community and to build upon physical, social and emotional skills. First, they meet at the beginning of the day for MESSAGE BOARD, to discuss the ahead an any changes/additions to the program. Second, they meet for LARGE GROUP to engage in music and movement, story telling and gross motor activities. Each morning and afternoon, the children engage in PLAN-DO-REVIEW, when they plan what they will do for work time, carry out that plan and review with the group what their work time consisted of.

Preschool Schedule
Teacher to child ratio: 1 to 8 children (both classrooms)
Reduced ratios apply for arrival (7:00am to 8:30 am), nap time and departure (5:00pm-6:00pm) as per the Ministry of Education – Child Care and Early Years Act.