Bring In Your Favourite Book Day

Your child may bring in his/her favourite story. The educators will read these special stories with the children throughout the day!

World Down Syndrome Day (Rock Your Socks)

On March 21st, choose some socks that are going to get noticed! They might be mismatched socks or your craziest and most colourful socks, whatever takes your fancy! The idea is to start a conversation, so when people ask you about your socks you can tell them, “I’m wearing them to raise awareness of Down ...

Earth Day

Earth Day is a yearly celebration which takes place on April 22. The objectives for Earth Day is sensitizing the global population on environmental concerns and demonstrating support for environmental protection.

Pajama Day

Families and Children are invited to come to CECP with their PJs!

Good Friday

CECP will be closed for Good Friday.