Pajama Day
Children, Staff and families are invited to wear PJ's to CECP.
Children, Staff and families are invited to wear PJ's to CECP.
Children are invited to bring their favourite book to school to share with their class.
CECP Board members meeting date. Please contact Anisa Chernecki, Executive Director, for more information about the Board of Directors, their role at CECP and how you can get involved! Anisa Chernecki Executive Director, R.E.C.E., R.T. Caledon East Children's Place 647-519-8895
All children are invited to bring an item from their lives to share with their class. Please connect with your classroom teachers or message on HiMama for more information.
Children, Staff and families are invited to wear a Hawaiian outfit at CECP.
CECP is making waffles! Children in each class will share in the process of following a recipe, making waffles and eating together. We were going to incorporate different toppings such as ice-cream, strawberries, sprinkles, bananas, blueberries etc. *Children with dietary restrictions will also be included
Children and families are invited to wear festive socks to the centre today!
Children and families are invited to wear a festive sweater to the centre!
CECP children will be having a hot chocolate a marshmallow party!
CECP families and children are invited to wear a festive hat to the centre!